Tax refund 

Save time and money by directing Tax refund straight to an interest-earning account.

Tax refund (Överskjutande skatt)

You can register as an individual or company for any future tax refund to go straight to a bankgiro number or account number of your choice. By registering you gain both time and interest since the money is directed straight to an interest-earning account.


To register for tax transfer of Tax refund (Överskjutande skatt), state: 

  • The bankgiro number or account number
  • The organisation number (12 characters, add "16" in front) or personal ID number (yyyymmddxxxx). Your details will be matched against those held by your bank and then sent to the Swedish Tax Authorities.
  • The transfer instruction concerns payment into a bank account that is associated with the stated bankgiro number or account number. The instruction includes receiving and depositing repaid tax.
  • The holder of the account agrees to the transfer instruction being registered and forwarded electronically to the Swedish Tax Authorities.

Period of validity

  • The instruction for “Tax transfer to bankgiro” remains in force until cancelled by the holder of the account or the bank.
  • When changing bankgiro number or account number, a new instruction should be registered. The new instruction replaces the old one. Deregistration is not necessary in the event of a change.


Bankgirot and the bank are not liable for any loss caused by Swedish or foreign laws, measures taken by Swedish or foreign authorities, acts of war, strike, blockade, boycott, lockout or other circumstance beyond the control of Bankgirot or the bank.

The exclusion regarding strike, blockade, boycott or lockout shall apply even if Bankgirot or the bank are themselves the subject of, or undertake, such action. If Bankgirot or the bank are prevented from making a payment or taking other measures due to circumstances as stated above, these measures shall be postponed until such circumstances cease to exist.

Any losses that arises in other cases will not be compensated by Bankgirot or the bank other than in cases of negligence. In relation to business onwers, however, Bankgirot’s and the bank’s liability is restricted to cases of gross negligence.

Register via electronic form

Use our electronic registration form to register as an individual or company for any future tax refund to go straight to a bankgiro number or account number of your choice.

Registration for tax refund

Register via form

You can also register tax refund to a bank account with the help of the form SKV 4802 from Skatteverket.