Frequently asked questions

 To stop payment you should use these special cancellation/amendment form for salary payments and supplier payments.

The form should be completed on-screen and submitted electronically to Bankgirot for processing. In order for the change to go through, the form must be received by 19:00 two banking days before the payment date for Salaries in Supplier payments or Salaries. For a “normal” supplier payment, the form needs to reach Bankgirot by 19:00 on the banking day before the payment date.

The payee notifies you about the payment, the amount and the date on which the payment will be made.

If the details are correct, you just have to ensure that you have money in the account specified. If the details are incorrect, you can stop a payment by contacting the payee or your bank.

If an Autogiro payment is made incorrectly, you have a statutory right to have the money repaid.

For more information about repayments, contact your bank.

With online banking, you can easily and conveniently deal with your payments via Autogiro. Online banking allows you to: view your mandates, cancel mandates, change the bank account for Autogiro withdrawals (within your bank). 

You can find the technical manual on the page for the Bankgiro Receivables service, under the Technical information tab. 

With Autogiro, your bills are paid automatically on the due date. This means that every time a payment is due you avoid having to enter long numbers of digits on your computer, fill in and post bills or queue up to pay.

Payments in real time makes us ready to meet the market's needs and expectations. The mobile is already a tool with and for a variety of services and it was quite natural to release the first mobile payment services to the platform in the form of Swish.


Of course, there are many different types of payment services that would benefit from faster processing. In e-commerce, for example, or for payments between consumers and companies, or interbank transactions.

We now have an infrastructure and a real-time platform on which to continue building our development of payment products and services.

For the banks, this means developing services with their customers that meet their current needs and requirements.

Distance sellers (e.g. mail order or online sellers) can use Posten’s COD (cash on delivery) service. Posten guarantees that the goods will only be delivered once the buyer has paid. COD is a combined delivery and payment service.

Contact Posten for more information: Posten’s website,, search for Postförskott. Posten Customer Service tel.: +46 (0)20 23 22 20

Autogiro: the banking day before payment by 19:00

Supplier payments: the banking day before payment by 19:00

Salaries/account deposits (and salaries in Supplier payments): two banking days before payment by 19:00.

Please note that if you send the file via the Internet bank, your bank may have an earlier end time. Check with your bank what times they apply.

Remember that Bankgirot monitors payments so that the payment is made on the right day. Please submit your payment in plenty of time.

Observe! Swedish bank holidays

6 June and Midsummer Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are days that may fall on a weekday but are not banking days.

Do you need to make a payment but you are missing the slip for transfer by giro or deposit?

Payment slips for persons not using the internet bank can be downloaded from Privatgirot's web site. They also have a user guide for how to proceed. The links below will take you to Privatgirot website and you are leaving

To get started with Autogiro, you need to sign a mandate with the payee, e.g. the company/organisation you will be paying. Through this mandate, we agree that your payments will be taken automatically from your bank account on the due date. Contact the company/organisation in question. 

The easiest way is to sign a mandate electronically with the payee. You can do this via your online banking service or via a form on the payee’s website. 

If a value slip is not cashed in, the sum is returned to the sender 10 days after expiration date. The sender also receives information that the receiver has not picked up the money.

Bankgirot has no value slips so we must ask you to contact the sender to get a new value slip.

You can contact the company with which you have an Autogiro mandate. You can also cancel via your online banking service.

Contact the company you want to pay. You can also register via your online banking service. 

Deposits are currently reported in the account report. Each deposit is reported as one or more items in the file. The payments are sorted in sections that correspond to each deposit made into the bank account. There is a specific deposit item for each deposit. Separate deposit items are also created for example, intra-group and internal state payments.

The deposit item can therefore be reconciled with the deposit in the account report. Deposit items are created in the currency SEK. 

Due to bank confidentiality, Bankgirot does not give out information about banks and account numbers. 

However, you can search via our search engine "Search Bankgiro number" to find out which company has which bankgiro number. Search Bankgiro number

The search function can be found in the top menue on every page on the website. Please note that Bankgirot can only show information for companies and organisations that have agreed to have their details shown on the website.

The sender sends the information regarding the payment and name and address to the recipient in one of Bankgirot’s payment services such as Supplier Payments. The recipient receives the order by post and must go to a bank to cash it. It can also be used to buy goods in many shops such as ICA, Statoil etc.

You can contact the company with which you have an Autogiro mandate, or you can contact your bank who can also help you to stop a withdrawal.  

An OCR number is a specially formulated reference number that is usually found at the bottom of a payment advice slip.

BgID is valid for three years.

Yes, every payment is assigned a code depending on how the payment was made – Internet payments, Supplier payments or Paper-based payments. This means that you can easily obtain statistics of the customer’s payment methods.

To connect to Autogiro, you need to contact your bank as it is the bank that you sign up to an agreement for the service with. You can find out more about how Autogiro works in the user manual

OCR reference check (option), approves: OCR 1 = soft check level, ref. no. with check digit, OCR 2 = hard check level, ref. no. with check digit, OCR 3 = hard check level, ref. no. with check digit and variable length check, OCR 4 = hard check level, ref. no. with check digit and fixed length check

Inform your new bank that you have Autogiro mandates, and they will help you to transfer the mandates to your new bank account.

Bankgirot can help you find the sender to the value slip via the serial number on the invoice. The serial number begins with the digits 1299. 

If you have the sender's bankgiro number, make a bankgiro number search here at

The search feature you find in the top menu.


If you have daily reporting, it will be available by 17:00. If you have chosen multiple reports per day, it will be available by 11:30, 14:00 and 17:00.

A mandate is an authorisation for the payee (the company) to charge the payer’s account on the due date.

A bankgiro number consists of 7 or 8 digits.

If you want to link a bankgiro number to your bank account, contact your bank.

You will receive a notification no later than eight working days before the money is debited. Some companies send out a message at the beginning of the year detailing the payment dates and the amounts that will be debited. You will need to contact the company in question for detailed information about your payments. 

To get your money back, you need to contact the recipient of the money to agree on the most suitable way to repay your money alternatively contact you bank. 

Use the Search Bankgiro number function and enter the bankgiro number, company registration number, company name or location.

The function Search Bankgiro number is availbale on all pages on the website. Search Bankgiro number

Please note that Bankgirot can only show information for companies and organisations that have agreed to have their details shown on the website.

When a payment is due to be made, Bankgirot carries out a balance check enquiry with your bank. The balance check enquiry is made early in the morning of the payment date. To find out why the bank said your balance was insufficient, you will need to contact your bank. 

You need to contact your bank to change your account number. This also applies if your account number is linked to a bankgiro number. Both bankgiro numbers and account numbers are administered by the banks.

The banks contact information can be found on our Support page.

 You have to go to your bank and deposit the money into your account.

Contact your bank to obtain a bankgiro number.

You can use the service Supplier payments service to make a deposit from a Bankgiro number to a bank account number.

Contact your bank if you do not have this service or ask them what solution they can offer you.

Yes, Bankgiro Receivables can be tested. The test period can run for 10 banking days.

There is a function called Programtorget at Here, you can find a selection of software that suits your company’s requirements.

You need the following:

  • An agreement with a bank that offers the service
  • A business system that can deal with electronic invoices
  • A communication solution that has been approved by Bankgirot.

If you want to be sure not to lose documentation, Electronic deposit Information via Internet may be an alternative.

Find out more about this service here at, and contact your bank to sign up for the service.

Please contact your bank for information about pricing.

No, Bankgirot does not offer an archive solution for Bankgiro Receivables. However, all reporting is electronic and is delivered in a file, which means that you can archive the reports electronically yourself.

If you suspect that you have received a “fake invoice”, you can find information (in Swedish) about what to do at – click on “Varningslistan” in the top menu.

Are you a fundraising organization and would like to apply for a
90-bankgironumber to receive money from donors, talk to Swedish Fundraising Control.

To change the due date, you need to contact the payee. 

Not for customers with Bankgiro Receivables. Reporting is available using the collected file format combined with Deposit information via the internet or image file.

Contact the company you want to pay to. You can also search for companies that offer Autogiro via your internetbank. 

It is a cash payment sent to a recipient’s name and address where the sender does not have information regarding the recipient’s bankgiro number or account number.

Bankgiro Link is based on secure communication via the internet and secure identification of the user using an eID.

Information about your files is presented on-screen, showing you which files have been dealt with by Bankgirot and which file information you can download to your accounting system.

The bank and Bankgirot check that the person paying or downloading payment information via the internet has the right to do so. 

Read more about Bankgiro Link here. 

The image file is a separate file that contains notification images of all paper-based payments (except OCR payments). This is a complement to the BgMax file, and is used by the company to see the payer’s written messages. If the company has not selected image files, all payments are reported in the Deposit information via the internet. 

The product meets the needs of both smaller and larger companies. In its simplest form, the company uses just one bankgiro number as a payment address for receivables and a simple piece of software which makes the information easy to read on-screen or to print out in a list.

As the company grows, the product can be expanded in stages. Electronic accounting is created from day one, and means that the company immediately notices that it gains control over its receivables.

The optional functions OCR control, extended form registration and image file allow for smoother reconciliation and control of the company’s receivables.

You can find out which software suppliers have the functionality for Bankgiro Receivables at Programtorget/Software by third parties.

You do not need to make any changes to your accounting system in order to use Bankgiro Link. However consult with your software provider if you have any questions about this.

Do you want to change or cancel the report (paper report) for a service you need to contact your bank.

Click here to get to the list of contact details for the banks.

You need the following:

  • An agreement with a bank that offers the service
  • A business system that can deal with Bankgiro Receivables
  • A communication solution that has been approved by Bankgirot 

Bankgirot's services are priced and sold by the banks. You should therefore contact your bank to find out what the various services cost and to sign agreements to use them.

Software support for Bankgiro Link may be built into your accounting or business system. Check with your supplier how things work in the system you use.

You can search Bankgirot's website’s Software by third parties (Programtorget) function and find out which software companies support Bankgiro Link.

No, it is not possible to receive paper reports in Bankgiro Receivables. 

The OCR number is a specially formulated reference number that is usually found at the bottom of the advice slip. If there is no OCR number in the usual place, this could be e.g. the invoice number. If you cannot find the OCR number, contact the invoice issuer.

The payment will be carried out on the next banking day (normal working weekday). During the bank holidays no payments are made. On the website of Sweden's central bank, the bank holidys are listed:

TIFF is a file format for storing images, in this case images of deposit notifications. TIFF is a format with widespread use within the IT industry, and can often be processed by existing systems. You can find information about TIFF online.

Yes, Bankgirot always includes these details if the information is included in the payment from the sender or in Bankgirot’s register. If the payer is a sole proprietorship, the civic registration number is sent because this counts as a company registration number in this case. 

most of Bankgirot’s services are sold by the banks. To connect to one or more Bankgirot services, you should contact your bank.

For PKI Services, contact us at Bankgirot directly.

Contact information to us as well as to the banks are found at our support page

The agreement for Bankgiro Receivables can be found in the bank’s ordinary system for bankgiro agreement management. 

HMAC based on SHA-256 and a 128-bit key is a secure and open solution based on open and licence-free algorithms.There is also open source code that can be used to implement HMAC.

This means that it is relatively fast and easy to implement at a reasonable cost, even on different platforms such as Windows, Unix, Linux, mainframes and minicomputers.

File formats, administration concerning keys, etc. from MAA and Nexus are unaffected, which also speaks for rapid deployment. Acceptance for HMAC has been obtained from the banks, the Swedish Bankers’ Association and software companies.

Extended form registration means that Bankgirot includes any payment references that the payer has written on the deposit notification in the file. The report is therefore extra rich in content, with better conditions for automatic checking of the accounts receivable ledger.

No, you can only seal the entire file – a whole file seal.

Today, HMAC with SHA-256 and a 128-bit key has security equivalent to 128-bit symmetric encryption. Computers with sufficient calculation capacity to break HMAC are assessed to not be available in the next 50 years unless there is a revolutionary break-through, such as with quantum computers. Read more about Hmac here. 

Bankgirot's Programtorget/Software by third parties function includes details of all software that supports the bank's e-invoicing service. 

Plusgiro payments are handled by the company Nordea and Plusgirot. Please contact Plusgirot to get assistance with your payment:>>


A plusgiro is a specific type of account form, and is used to manage payments. The company Plusgirot is owned by Nordea (it was formerly called the PostGirot and was owned by the state goverened Posten AB). For more information on plusgiro accounts and Plusgirot we refer you to the comapany's webbsite:>>



  • BGC Invoice is Bankgirot's in-house format for e-invoices
  • Svefaktura is an electronic invoice that has been drawn up within Single Face To Industry (SFTI), public sector collaboration forum for e-commerce. 

Security is important in a business transaction, both in the physical world and online. It is often a requirement that you know who you are doing business with.

There are different ways of identifying oneself online. The most common ways are a user ID and password or eID. Of these, eID is significantly more secure since it requires that the user both has the eID installed at the time of use and knows the password/PIN code.

If we compare this with physical signatures, we can ask how sure the company is that the named person really has signed the agreement, particularly when the agreement is sent by mail. Is the appearance of the signature checked against the ID document or against the national passport register? If no such check is carried out, Bankgirot believes that a signature with eID provides better security than a document that has been physically signed.

It is also likely to be harder to claim falsification of a signature with eID, compared with a document that has been physically signed. There is traceability which shows that the eID has been used at the time of signing and the eID may also have been used on subsequent occasions without the holder having claimed that it has been used by an unauthorised party. This can be compared with a credit card purchase that has been verified with a PIN code instead of a signature without an ID check.

A CTD (Certified Technical Distributor) is a defined role within e-invoicing to private individuals. The CTD deals with the technical distribution of e-invoices between the invoice issuer and the recipients’ online banks, and thereby acts as a subcontractor to Nordea or Swedbank

A service bureau is a party that sends and receives files on behalf of the bank customer, An intermediator is a party which – like Bankgirot – acts as an invoicing node, and with which Bankgirot has file traffic.

eIDs in Sweden use a common infrastructure based on PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). PKI is a collective name for the infrastructure whereby private and public (open) keys can be used to build up functions for identification, signature and protection against unauthorised access.

These security functions are based on asymmetric encryption, which means using encryption keys in pairs that are uniquely liked to each other, so that the data that is encrypted with one key can only be unencrypted with the other key, and vice versa.

The private key should only be used by the holder of the eID, while the public key can be shared with other parties. One common way of protecting the private key is to store it as an encrypted file on the holder’s computer or phone, or on the chip in a card.

You sign all bankgiro agreements with your bank. You must also sign a Bankgiro Link agreement with your bank.

You should also request an eID from your bank, which is required in order to use Bankgiro Link.

There are three factors that affect security:

1. How the eID was issued. The issuer is responsible for it being issued to the right person.

2. How the eID is protected by the user.

3. The checks carried out when the eID is used, and which show that the issuer is approved, that the validity period has not expired, and that the eID is listed in the register and not blocked.

E-invoicing is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective automated invoicing process. It features automatic order matching and ensures the high quality of incoming payments, and the invoice quality means fewer customer service enquiries. All your invoice data is searchable in your systems, and the process of monitoring business transactions is simplified. Using e-invoicing gives you better opportunities to take part in more procurements that require e-invoicing. You also minimise the risk of fake invoices.

To send files online, you need the Bankgiro Link communication software and an agreement with the bank. You should therefore contact your bank.

  • An accounting system that can create bankgiro files.
  • An internet connection via modem or broadband.
  • Bankgiro Link software to sign and send payment tasks and a card reader.
  • An eID for each person who will use the service.
  • A Bankgiro Link agreement with your bank.
  • If your bank deals with authorisation issues, you will need an authorisation with the bank for those people who will be able to sign payments. Check this with your bank.

There are two ways to cancel an Autogiro mandate. You can either cancel it via Autogiro Online or submit a cancellation task by file to Bankgirot. 

See the list at this address:

Bankgiro Link has been created so that the files are protected against access and alteration when they are “transported” via the internet to and from your accounting system. You also identify yourself using the same technology as when you complete your tax return online. More information about protection of files is available att the page about Tamper protection.

Payments in real time is when funds are drawn from one account and transferred to another account as soon as the payment order is placed.

Act early. Changing your means of communication can take a while. To minimise the risk, you should not make changes during salary week or around the turn of the month. Prepare well, and obtain the equipment you need before making agreement changes with the bank.

COD (Postförskott) can be linked to Bankgirot's services Bankgiro number and Bangiro incoming payments. 

More information about COD can be obtained from Posten via:

• Posten's website,
• Posten Customer Service, 020-23 22 20

User rights refers to the right to use the Bankgiro Link service, such as sending or obtaining files via Bankgirot.

Authorisation refers to a certain person’s right to deal with the company’s account at the bank, e.g. to withdraw money or make payments. Authorisation is signed with the bank in connection with agreeing to use Bankgiro Link or BgCom.

At the same time, you also notify the bank which people will be authorised to use the service. 

One way of looking at this is to consider the real and false experiences of payments in real time. When you shop at the supermarket using your card, for example, you certainly get a sense that you are paying in real time. The truth is, though, that “someone” in the chain is providing credit until the money has been reserved in the bank account before being transferred to the retailer. 

Payments in real time, however, are a real event where the funds are drawn and transferred to the recipient as soon as the payment order is placed. For those behind a payment service in real time, the service is virtually without risk as no party extends credit. If there are funds in the account, these are drawn on and transferred. If there are insufficient funds, the transaction cannot take place.

Bankgiro Link contains three user rights:

  • Send file
  • Approve file
  • Obtain file

You can divide these user rights categories between your employees to further increase the security of administering the company’s payments.

Of course, you can also choose to allow one person to have all user rights. You register which people should have which user rights with your bank. 

You can agree via your contact at the bank on the number of people needed jointly in order to approve a file before it is released for processing. This will be the minimum number needed in order for the file to be sent for processing.

You can also set how many people should approve the file in your Bankgiro Link software. This information is sent with the file, and is then stored at Bankgirot. This number can be higher but not lower than the number stated with the bank.

Bankgirot checks that enough people have approved the payment. In certain cases, Bankgirot also carries out a check against the bank’s authorisation register.

To block a Bankgiro Direct task, you must contact Privatgirot.

If you are only changing your software but keeping the old means of communication, you do not need to notify Bankgirot. If you are changing your means of communication, your bank must notify Bankgirot of this. You should therefore contact your bank.

  • Bankgiro Receivables is a comprehensive payment service that creates simple, effective processing routines for receivables and reconciliation of the accounts receivable ledger.
  • Since all reporting is electronic your company also has the option of automating the reconciliation work.
  • Bankgiro Receivables is a flexible service that suits both larger and smaller companies wanting to automate and optimise the processing of receivables and the accounts receivable ledger.
  • Bankgiro Receivables has a number of standard functions and can also be expanded with various options, adapted according to your company and its needs.

You can register your bankgiro number and company registration number on the “Tax refund"-page ("Överskjutande skatt” ).

You find this under Service /Other.

The agreement contains information about which people will have the right to send, approve and/or retrieve files in Bankgiro Link. We need this information at Bankgirot to check that the right person is dealing with your payments.

eIDs are issued to private individuals by banks, Telia and the Swedish Tax Agency. They can have different names, depending on who issues them, such as BankID e-legitimation, Nordeas e-legitimation or Telia e-legitimation.

Contact your bank, who will help you to order a suitable eID for your purposes. 

There is no sum total for the entire file, but there is a total per deposit.

Payments in Real Time is a general payment system. Briefly, in order to have access to such a system, a party must be considered to be a payment services provider, in accordance with the law on payment services (2010:751), and must otherwise fulfil the participant requirements of Bankgirot.

Generally speaking, all Swedish banks and payment institutions that fulfil the participant requirements are entitled to participate in the system.

  • Check that your card reader is correctly installed
  • Check that your security software is correctly installed
  • Check that you can see your BgID card in your security software by starting the BankID security program
  • Contact your PC support if you are uncertain

Contact your bank to get the value notification redeemed and deposited directly to your account.

Yes, Bankgirot’s sample files are adapted for systems developers who want to see what files and image files look like. The sample files contain reports for various types of payments.

The file examples for Bankgiro receivables are to be found on the page Technical information attached to Bankgiro receivalbles.

You can unlock the PIN code in the security program that is installed on your computer.

This is what to do in the BankID security program:

  • Start BankID security program

  • Select your BgID from the list

  • Select Manage PIN

  • Select Unlock with PUK

  • Select the PIN code you wish to unlock from the list

  • State PUK (PIN unlock key)

Select OK

Bankgirot does not have a service for foreign payments. However, if you have an agreement for the Supplier payments service with your bank for the foreign payments service, send the foreign payments in the same file as the Swedish payments. Bankgirot will then deal with the Swedish payments and send the foreign payments to your bank.

When you use your PC on the internet, you expose yourself and your computer to risk if you are not well protected. You must therefore ensure that you have an updated anti virus programme and a properly functioning firewall.

Applying tamper protection to a file means that the file is protected against unauthorised alteration during the transmission to/from Bankgirot. Bankgirot supports two methods for adding a seal to a file: HMAC, which is an open standard, and the product Sigillet, which you can purchase from Nexus.  Read more on the page about tamper protection. 

An eID can be found in the chip on a card or in an electronic file saved on a hard drive, USB memory or mobile phone.

In order to use the eID on a card, you need a computer, together with a card reader and software provided by the issuer.

In order to use an eID on a file, you need a computer, a mobile phone or a tablet, together with software provided by the issuer.

Yes, in Bankgiro Receivables you can agree to receive the report once a day or per credit batch. In other words, the report is created with the same frequency as deposits are made to the bank account, currently three times per day. 

All private individuals who are registered in Sweden and have a Swedish civic registration number can apply for an eID from Sweden’s banks or the Swedish Tax Agency. The minimum age for an eID varies from issuer to issuer. The Swedish Tax Agency’s minimum age is 13.

A company cannot have its own eID – it must be linked to a person. A person with an eID can use this both as a private individual and in a professional capacity. When a legal entity (a limited company, trading company or non-profit association) needs to prove its identity or sign something, it is the authorised signatory’s or representative’s eID that is used.

You cannot receive payments from abroad via Bankgirot. Contact your bank for help with receiving foreign payments.

You will find all forms, manuals and file description etcetera on this site's Support/e-forms.

eID, or electronic identification, contains a certificate that permits secure identification and signatures via the internet and mobile communication. This is personal to the user, and is the electronic equivalent of a physical ID card or driving licence.

In everyday life, you use your driving licence, passport or ID card when you need to identify yourself. When identifying yourself and signing documents electronically on the internet, you use an eID instead. It is important to remember that an eID is just as personal as a driving licence or a normal ID card, and should be treated accordingly.

The signature that you produce electronically using your eID is just as binding as your physical signature. A company cannot have its own eID – it must be linked to a person.

One of the advantages of HMAC is that it provides secure tamper protection that can be easily implemented on different platforms. The algorithm is fast and effective to implement.

To get a new seal key/password, contact your bank.