Pressrelese: Unni Jerndal new Head of Communications at Bankgirot

1/11/2017 Unni Jerndal is recruited to Bankgirot as the new Head of Communication and will lead the work of developing the communications and brand of the business.

“The payment industry is in a period of rapid transformation and this means that we want to develop communications both internally and externally. Unni Jerndal’s extensive experience from both communications in the finance industry and the public sector as well as her time as a journalist will make a strong addition to these efforts,” says Torbjörn Ericsson, CEO of Bankgirot.

As the Head of Communications, Unni Jerndal will be a member of the management team and she will take office on 1 February.

“Bankgirot supports important social infrastructure as a hub for payments in the Swedish finance industry. At the same time, digital development is generating major changes around the business. It’s exciting and enjoyable to have the opportunity to contribute to strategic communication efforts in this phase,” says Unni Jerndal.

Unni Jerndal was previously the Communications Director with the Swedish Police and the Head of Communications at the Swedish National Debt Office. Before that, she worked as a business journalist with TV4, Ekonominyheterna/Dagens industri and Sveriges Television, Aktuellt, to name of a few.

For further information, please contact:

Sara Bringzén,
Communications Officer: +46 (0)702-69 65 79

About Bankgirot

Bankgirot is a European clearing house tasked with delivering market-leading solutions in the payments area that increase customers' competitiveness. The company Bankgirot was founded in 1959, with payments using the Bankgiro system and associated services. With the Payments in Real Time payment system, Bankgirot offers new opportunities to develop the payments of the future. Every hour payments flow between payers and payees, and every day Bankgirot ensures that more than SEK 50 billion ends up where it is supposed to be. Bankgirot guarantees the flow.


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