If you would like to be able to make or receive payments via Bankgiro, you will need a Bankgiro number. This will allow you to direct the funds to whichever bank account you want.
Incoming payments (Bg Inbetalningar)
When you direct incoming payments via your bankgiro number straight to the right bank account, you know the money is there when you need to make payments. This gives you a good grasp of the company's financial position.
Bankgiro number (Bg Bankgironummer)
Deposit Information via Internet (Insättningsuppgift via Internet)
With the Deposit Information via Internet service, you obtain information quickly and easily about payments made to the company’s account.
Bankgiro Receivables (Bankgiro Inbetalningar)
Bankgiro Receivables (Bankgiro Inbetalningar) is a flexible service that is suitable both large and smaller companies that want smooth processing of receivables and customer accounts receivable.